

澳博体育app下载 has more than 140 years of experience transporting cargo across the Pacific 和 has decades of experience with containerized moving for household goods. 澳博体育app已经帮助了许多美国人.S. military families with container moving across the Pacific for their personally procured move (PPM or DITY) too. 澳博体育app知道搬家有多复杂. Let our experts help you arrange the ocean transportation of your household goods container.


  • 关于港到港家庭用品集装箱运输.
  • How to choose which container size is right for shipping your household goods.
  • 什么付款方式澳博体育app下载接受.
  • 如何收到集装箱开始装货和包装.
  • 你的集装箱如何发货到始发港.
  • 如何在目的港取回你的集装箱.
  • 澳博体育app下载服务哪些港口.

请致电澳博体育app澳博体育app专家 1 - 800 - 4 -澳博体育app to get a free quote 和 learn about shipping household goods or fill out our request-an-estimate form; for 阿拉斯加 moves, please contact 阿拉斯加 Customer Service at alaskacs@dream-messenger.com 或打电话 1-877-678-7447.


航运 your household goods in fully protected steel-constructed ocean containers will help protect your valuables during ocean transit. 你 pack the container with your household goods 和 we ship it across the Pacific to your port.

澳博体育app的费率是按每个集装箱计算的. The cost of shipping household goods depends on the overall length of the ocean container you choose. 美森为您的家居用品提供港口到港口的服务.

端口到端口: 你自己安排往返港口的卡车运输, 澳博体育app下载 will manage the ocean transit part of your move between the mainl和 和 夏威夷.

澳博体育app下载 affords you the opportunity to ship your car or boat with your household goods in the same moving container, 或者你可以 把你的车直接送到澳博体育app的港口. 航运 your car or boat in your household goods container may require an additional charge. 要了解更多关于 运送你的车 港口到港口独立您的家居用品点击 在这里.

To obtain a free estimate for your container move, please complete our request-an-estimate 在线填写或致电澳博体育app澳博体育app专家 1 - 800 - 4 -澳博体育app; for 阿拉斯加 moves, please contact 阿拉斯加 Customer Service at alaskacs@dream-messenger.com 或打电话 1-877-678-7447.

预约确认表格 你 will be required to sign an acknowledgment form at the time of booking. 为 夏威夷移动请点击这里 查看确认表格. 下载确认表格 阿拉斯加移动请点击这里.

一旦你向澳博体育app澳博体育app专家预订搬家, payment must be received prior to the delivery of empty equipment 和 subsequent delivery to port. 付款时必须注明您的装运预约号码.

Our account specialists can take your credit card payment over the phone or you can mail your payment to 澳博体育app下载 Navigation Accounts Receivable at 426 N 44th Street, 250套房, 凤凰城, 亚利桑那州85008. 港口也接受付款. 接受以下付款方式:

  • 本票
  • 旅行者支票
  • 银行或邮政汇票
  • 现金
  • 信用卡-万事达卡,维萨卡,发现卡或美国运通. 在港口付款时,持卡人必须在场.
  • 对不起,澳博体育app不接受个人支票


澳博体育app下载 offers Full Container Load service (FCL) 和 will provide you with a clean, empty ocean moving container for 加载 your personal household goods.

作为一个参考点, the furnishings of an average 3-bedroom home will likely fill a 20-foot container. 请量一下你所有的家具, 盒子, other cargoes to determine the container that will meet your need.

你, 作为托运人, 负责包装, 加载, 确保你的个人家居用品在集装箱里. Moving container size availability varies by port of origin 和 final destination. 在移动时,容器的大小略有不同, these are the inside measurements of our four basic container sizes for 夏威夷, 关岛, 和阿拉斯加:

7'6"宽x 7'4"高
1,172 ft.
7'8”宽x 7'6”高
2,387 ft.
7'8”宽x 8'6”高
2,686 ft.
7'8”宽x 8'6”高
3,030 ft.
Container cubic capacity is determined by multiplying the inside length x width x height in inches 和 dividing that sum by 1728 (the number of cubic inches in one cubic foot).



To receive a moving container for 加载 arrange for a Uniform Intermodal Interchange Agreement (UIIA) approved trucking company to pick up a 澳博体育app下载 container, 把集装箱送到你家里, 在你装好你的个人家居用品后再把它捡起来.

The moving container will be delivered to you on a chassis (wheels) raising the container floor about four to five feet above the ground. 澳博体育app下载 does not provide ramps or lift-gates, tie-downs, or packing materials for 加载.

当你协调你的卡车运输, please be sure to ask the trucking company if they are a UIIA approved carrier. 如果他们不确定他们的交换状态, please have them contact the UIIA at 1-877-438-8442 or visit the UIIA web-site at www.uiia.org.

Trucking charges must be paid directly to the trucking company you have chosen.

To avoid parking violations for a container parked on a public street overnight, we strongly advise that you check with your local city officials or police department for restrictions.


一旦你完成了集装箱的装货, please arrange with the UIIA certified trucking company of your choice to deliver the container to the 澳博体育app下载 port for ocean transport.


澳博体育app的船到达目的港时, your personal household goods shipment will be discharged 和 placed in our container yard.  你 or your designated trucker will be notified that the moving container is available for pickup.

Once your moving container is discharged from the vessel at the destination port, 澳博体育app下载允许您自由使用移动容器.

  • 在大陆上, 澳博体育app下载允许96小时的空闲时间来接电话, 卸载 把移动集装箱空着放回澳博体育app集装箱堆场.
  • 在夏威夷和关岛, 澳博体育app给了10天的空闲时间来接电话, 卸载, 把移动集装箱空着放回澳博体育app集装箱堆场.
  • Free time in 夏威夷 begins with the first midnight following availability of your personal household goods shipment.

After the free time expires, daily port storage or container detention charges will apply. When you arrange your trucking we highly recommend you have your trucker of choice pick up your personal household goods shipment within the allotted free time to avoid daily fees.

有关移居或迁离夏威夷的问题, 美国本土或关岛, 请与澳博体育app澳博体育app专家联系 1 - 800 - 4 -澳博体育app or 点击这里.  为 阿拉斯加 moves, please contact our 阿拉斯加 Customer Service Center at alaskacs@dream-messenger.com 或打电话 1-877-678-7447.


全集装箱服务提供往返 长滩*, 奥克兰塔科马.
全集装箱服务提供往返 火奴鲁鲁, 小矿脉, Kawaihae, Kahului, Nawiliwili莫洛凯岛和拉奈岛. Please allow about a week for empty equipment to become available for shipments from Molokai 和 Lanai.
提供往返全集装箱货运服务 关岛、塞班、帕劳、雅浦、楚克和波纳佩.
提供往返全集装箱货运服务 塔科马,华盛顿州, 锚地, 科迪亚克, 荷兰港,AK.

*四月一日起生效, 2022, all containerized cargo moving through the Port of 长滩 will be assessed a Clean Truck Fee of $10.20元,20元.每箱40元/ 45元. Private individuals are not permitted to pay the Clean Truck Fee directly 和 must hire a trucking company that will claim 和 pay this fee on your behalf. Please note that this is not a 澳博体育app下载 fee 和 is in addition to any quoted or freight bill amounts. 你r containers will not be accepted or released at the Port of 长滩 if your trucking company has not claimed 和 paid this fee.